Thanks Greensboro Senior High for the memories! In celebration of our 50th high school reunion, we would like to honor our school with a gift donated by the Class of 1957. The Reunion Committee has spoken to faculty, administration, and volunteers regarding a variety of gift options to be donated by our class. As a result of these discussions, several excellent ideas were suggested. The Committee will gather information and costs as we carefully review these and other suggestions. A final decision will be made based on the total amount of donations. We want to emphasize that a donation for a Class gift is strictly optional, and is not required for your participation in the reunion. If you would like to contribute, please indicate the amount on the Registration Form, and include the gift donation amount in your total payment. Class Gift Criteria: 1. Should be something that GHS probably would not get otherwise. 2. Should be something that will last for many years
3. Should be something that can be identified
with our Class
This site was last updated 07/20/07